Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit - Ingredients, Composition, Health Benefits, Usage

If you are also looking to provide a strong immunity system for yourself and your loved ones, Ayurveda may be your solution. Herbal supplements like Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit may help you get the much required immunity at this time of crisis. This kit contains Coronil Tablet, Anu Taila and Swasari Vati. This pack of dietary supplements may be used by teenagers and adults of any gender.
Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit

Patanjali Divya Swasari Coronil Kit - Coronil Tablet, Anu Taila, Swasari Vati:

2020 witnessed global human crisis due to Covid-19. This disease has taught the world how important it is to build the internal immunity system. If you are also looking to provide a strong immunity system for yourself and your loved ones, Ayurveda may be your solution. Herbal supplements like Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit may help you get the much required immunity at this time of crisis. This kit contains Coronil Tablet, Anu Taila and Swasari Vati. This pack of dietary supplements may be used by teenagers and adults of any gender.

coronil kit immune system


Patanjali Divya Swasari Coronil Kit - Coronil Tablet, Anu Taila, Swasari Vati is an immunity boosting kit. This herbal supplement is prepared using medicinal herbs. Besides nimbin and ashpaltum, the supplements also contain

Holy Basil:

Holy Basil - Tulsi

This green leafy plant is one of the primary herbs used in the Coronil Kit. This medicinal herb is native to Southeast Asia. Ayurveda recognizes its high therapeutic and nutrients value. Holy Basil is known to contain zinc, calcium, iron, Vitamin A and C. This exceptional antibiotic may also protect you from viral infections.

Licorice Root:

Licorice Root

Popular known as Tulsi in India, the magical roots of this medicinal plant were first used across China, Greece and Egypt. The roots and the rhizomes are the main parts of the plant that are used to prepare supplements. The potential benefits of having Licorice root extracts are in viral and bacterial infections. This perennial herb is also an ancient remedy to reduce the potassium levels in the body.



Ginger is considered as anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic in nature. It contains bio active substance that may help you fight against allergies, cough and cold. Ginger is also considered as an ancient remedy for nausea, running nose and frequent sneezing.



Also called Indian Ginseng, this medicinal herb is known for its adaptogenic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It may also help to improve immune cells to combat viral infections. Ashwagandha is a small evergreen shrub which is generally found in Middle East, India and parts of Africa. The root and berry of this plant are usually used to prepare the supplements.

Heart-leaved Moonseed:

Heart-leaved Moonseed

This deciduous creeper is also known as Giloy or Guduchi. The stem of the plant is generally used to provide required antioxidants to human body. Giloy may help you boost the immune system and flush out toxins and bacteria from the body. This herb is also anti-pyretic in nature. For this reason regular use of giloy may offer relief from dengue, malaria and other types of chronic fever.


Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit - Coronil Tablet, Anu Taila, Swasari Vati is a vegetarian product. Enriched with herbs and minerals, each of the supplements is made with the following herbs-
Coronil Tablet (80 capsules) - Made with extracts from Giloy, Tulsi and Ashwagandha.

Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit - Composition

Swasari Vati (80 capsules) -The key ingredient is the Swasari herb.

AnuTaila (20ml) - As the name suggests, this supplement is available in the form of nasal drops. It is made with Indian bael, Himalayan cedar, cinnamon, white lotus, blue lotus, turmeric and white sandalwood.


DivyaCoronil Kit is a storehouse of natural goodness. This chemical free herbal supplement is

  • Mucolytic
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-inflammatory

With all these powerful medicinal properties, the Coronil Kit may act as a natural shield against viruses.

Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit Health Benefits:

The Coronil Kit from Patanjali, the Haridwar based Indian pharmaceutical company, is known to strengthen the immune system. According to experts, the only ways in which you may keep Coronavirus at bay is to wear masks and improve the immunity. The key benefits of this power pack are-
Divya Coronil Tablet - May offer relief from cough, cold and fever. Regular use may also help to boost the immunity.

Coronil kit- Health Benefits

Divya Swasari Vati - According to Patanjali, these capsules may be used in respiratory uses. The decoction might be useful when suffering from cough, cold and fever. Made with Swasari, these capsules may be effective in asthma and to provide proper nutrition to the respiratory cells.

Coronil kit- Benefits

Divya Anu Taila - This nasal drop may be useful in allergic rhinitis, sinus, migraine and facial paralysis.

How to Use Patanjali Divya Swasari Coronil Kit:

Consult your Ayurvedic physician before using the Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit - Coronil Tablet, Anu Taila, Swasari Vati. The dose may differ as per the health condition. However the general dose for this immunity boosting kit is as follows.

Coronil Tablet - Acts as an immunity booster

Step 1- Take 1 capsule per day

Step 2- Take the supplement with warm milk or water

Step 3- Ideally the supplement should be consumed after meals

Swasari Vati- Combats breathing problems

Step 1- Take 1 capsule per day

Step 2- Take the supplement before meals

Step 3- Have the capsule with warm milk or water

Anu Taila- Helps in Sinus or respiratory issues

Step 1- Use 2 drops per day

Step 2- Use the taila twice a day

Step 3- Use the taila once in the morning and once at night

For effective results, Patanjali suggests to use the kit on regular basis for at least 30 days. While the supplement can be used by people between 15 to 80 years of age, children should have the supplement in half of the dose prescribed to adults. Baba Ramdev, the Yoga Guru and also one of the founding members of Patanjali suggests that people should also practice yoga every morning to boost immunity and stay fit.

Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit FAQs:

1. What is the shelf life of Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit?

Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit comes with a long shelf life of 3 years from the date of manufacture. Keep it at a cool and dry place to keep the supplements effective for long time.

2. What is the use of Patanjali Divya Swasari Coronil Kit?

Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit is considered as an immunity booster. The supplements may be used for breathing difficulties, cough, cold and frequent sneezing.

3. What are the key ingredients of Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit?

Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit has Tulsi, Giloy and Ashwagandha as its key ingredients. It is also known to contain Licorice root and ginger.

4. What is the course of Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit?

Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit should be used at least for 30 days for effective results. You may consult an Ayurvedic physician for further details.

5. What does the Divya Swasari Coronil Kit contain?

Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit contains the Coronil capsules (80), Swasari Vati (80 capsules) and Anu Taila (20ml).

6. Do I need to use the complete Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit?

Yes. It is advised to use the complete kit of Patanjali Divya Coronil for effective management of cough, cold and respiratory issues.

7. What is the use of Anu Taila in the Divya Coronil Kit?

Anu Taila is a nasal drop available with the Divya Coronil kit. The use of this drop at least twice a day may offer some relief from sinus, migraine headaches and allergic rhinitis.

8. What is the use of the Swasari Vati available with the Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit?

The Swasari Vati is prepared with the extracts of the Swasari medicinal herb. It may be useful in asthma and to provide added nutrition to the respiratory cells.

9. Where can I get Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit online?

Patanjali Divya Coronil Kit is available from Distacart. You can get the order delivered right at your doorsteps across USA and Canada.

Disclaimer: One must consult a health practitioner before consuming or using this product.


kishor @ Mon, Mar 01, 21

patanjali products are good.

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