Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit - Ingredients, Composition, Properties, Health Benefits, Usage

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit is known for its anti-bacterial properties. For this reason, regular consumption of the ghee can treat infections. The ghee is also known to have great healing properties. It acts as a moisturizing agent. The herbal ghee works as a rejuvenator and soothes the eyes. For this reason, this ghee functions as an eye drop and also offers relief from eye irritation and dryness.
Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit - Ingredients, Composition, Properties, Health Benefits, Usage

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit - The Natural Eye Tonic:

Ghee or ghrit has been used since hundreds of years in Indian cuisines. This milk product is also used in Ayurveda to treat multiple health issues. Since, 5000 years, this ancient Indian medical system has classified ghrit into 8 forms; out of which triphala ghrit is considered one of the best. Looking for the best grass fed, organic cultured triphala ghee? Checkout Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit. It is available in a 200gm pack and can be easily used for 30 or more servings. This fruity, herbal jam is sweet and sour in taste. It is light in quality and cool and potency. Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit is 100% vegetarian. It is stated as free from preservatives and additives and hence is not known to have any negative effects on the user by the brand.

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit


Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit is a batch-tested and gluten free ghee type. As the name suggests, the ghee is made with three fruits (triphala), namely: amla, bibhitaki and haritaki. Mainly the fruits, seeds, flowers, leaves and roots of the plants are used to prepare the decoction. Let us checkout the key features of these plant based ingredients.



Indian Gooseberry is considered as an incredibly healthy superfood. This citrus food can boost the immune system as it is loaded with Vitamin A, flavonoids, alkaloids and polyphenols. Amla may improve liver function, boost vitality and energy. It contains chromium that helps in regulating carbohydrate levels in the body. The fruit detoxifies and flushes out toxins from the body. It is rich in fibre and hence regulates the bowel movement.



Also called as Myrobalan, this is another immunity boosting fruit available in the Indian subcontinent. Also referred as the ‘King of Herbs,’ haritaki also helps in eliminating toxins from the body. It promotes tissue growth and health. The fruit is rich in vitamins, protein and minerals like iron, potassium, magnesium, selenium and copper. It also acts as an astringent and may help to prevent gum bleeding. Considered useful in digestive issues, eye, skin and hair problems, regular consumption of haritaki is advised by Ayurvedic physicians.




Termed as Beleric Myrobalan, you will find this large deciduous tree in the rich forests of India. Though high in medicinal properties, it is not cultivated. The fruits and flowers of the plant are medically used. It is also a potent astringent and is known to have positive effects on the mucous membrane.

The other ingredients in Triphaladi Ghrit contains water and milk, besides 14 other herbs.


Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit contains

  • 5 grams fat
  • 8mg cholesterol
  • 45 grams calories
  • 3 grams saturated fat


The other ingredients in Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit are

  • Sugar- 17gm
  • Shatavri- 750ml
  • Myrobalan- 17gm
  • Blue Lotus- 17gm
  • Goat Milk- 750ml
  • Cow Ghee- 750gm
  • False Daisy- 750ml
  • Long Pepper- 17gm
  • Malabar Nut- 750ml
  • Liquorice Root- 17gm
  • Triphala Kwath- 750ml
  • Beleric Myrobalan- 17gm
  • Indian Gooseberry- 17gm
  • Common Grapevine- 17gm
  • Indian Gooseberry Root- 750ml
  • Heart Leaved Moonseed- 750ml


Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit is known for its anti-bacterial properties. For this reason, regular consumption of the ghee can treat infections.

The ghee is also known to have great healing properties. It acts as a moisturizing agent. The herbal ghee works as a rejuvenator and soothes the eyes. For this reason, this ghee functions as an eye drop and also offers relief from eye irritation and dryness.

This polyherbal ghee also acts as a laxative. In case you are suffering from constipation, regular intake of Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit may help you get a healthy gut.

It also acts as an anti-inflammatory and is considered as effective in supressing inflammation. Hence anyone suffering from swelling caused due to injury may be benefitted by consumption of Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit.

The supplement also acts as an antioxidant. It may prevent cell damage and eliminate free radicals due to this. It may assist in reducing oxidative stress and damage in the body cells.

Due to its immune-modulatory property, the supplement can be effective in viral fever.

The ghrit is also considered as an anti-bacterial and anti-mutagenic agent. Last but not the least; this polyherbal formulation helps to calm vata and pitta and keep kapha dosha under control.

Health Benefits:

Users describe Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit as a warm and grounding morning drink. The potent is known to have therapeutic actions. The key benefits of the potent are as follows-

Eye nourishment- Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit is considered extremely beneficial for the eyes. If you are suffering from degenerative eye diseases, sometimes the eye muscles get weak, people face retinal complications and

reduced vision due to environmental pollution, stress and improper diet. This eye tonic protects the eyes and eye lids from eye pain and other such issues. It fulfils the nutritional gap and enables proper vision in both children and geriatric group of people. This herbal ghee also can strengthen the optic nerve and treat early symptoms of cataracts. If you regularly suffer from eye irritation then daily intake of the ghee can soothe your eyes. Some other vision disorders like dry eyes and computer vision syndrome can be treated with this 100% organic eye toner. It may even assist people suffering from night blindness.

Headaches - Are you suffering from headaches? This organic ghee form may help aato calm your mind and offer relief from chronic headache.

Indigestion- Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit can also boost metabolism and ensure ultimate health of the gastrointestinal tract. The synergistic action of herbs treats hyperacidity and boosts the digestive power in people suffering from low digestion strength. The ghee also acts as an appetiser. Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit acts as a colon cleanser. It helps to flush out toxins and toxin build up from the digestive system. This promotes normal blood circulation. Most of the herbs present in the ghee contain gallic acid. This active ingredient supports liver and gastrointestinal health. It is known to help in the secretion of digestive juices which in turn helps in better absorption of the nutrients.

Insomnia- Suffering from sleeplessness? Regular intake of Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit can induce deep and sound sleep. Also, as this potent provides relief from stress and anxiety, regular use of the ghee offers relief from sleeping disorders.

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit may be also useful in health issues like hair fall and also may stimulate hair growth.

Direction to Use:

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit can be used as a dietary supplement. Children and adults both can relish this delicious ghee type. However, an Ayurvedic expert should be consulted to take this ghee. It can be taken both for internal and external use. The key steps to consume Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit are-

Step 1- Take 1 teaspoon (6 to 12 grams) of the ghee at one time; it is usually taken before meals; children may have 2-5 grams of the ghee

Step 2- Mix the ghee with warm water or warm milk before consumption

Step 3- The ghee should be taken twice a day; once in the morning and once in the evening as a drink

Step 4- Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit may be also mixed with cooked kichiri

Step 5- Some users may even mix it in steaming hot coffee to enjoy its benefits

For Tarpana Treatment:

Triphala ghrit is externally used for Ayurvedic eye procedure, known as Tarpana. In this process, the black gram paste is applied around the eyes. The mixture also contains melted Triphala Ghrit. Leave it in the same way for a few minutes. The patient is asked to blink and open the eyes so that the herbal ghee components enter deep into the eyes. This brings out the therapeutic benefits of the supplement.


Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit stays fresh and edible for long if the below tips are followed.

  • Do not expose to extreme heat
  • Refrigerate the ghee after opening the seal
  • It should be kept away from children to avoid excess consumption

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit FAQs:

1. What is the shelf life of Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit?

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit stays best before 24 months from the date of manufacture.

2. What is the use of Mahatriphaladi Ghrit?

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit is mainly given to improve vision. This medicated ghee can be used both internally and externally to improve vision, reduce infections and protect the eyes from early symptoms of cataract. It may also offer relief from night blindness, diseases of eye lids and watery discharge from the eyes.

3. How to use Mahatriphaladi Ghrit for eyes?

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit can be used both internally and externally for complete eye nourishment. Mix it with lukewarm water and drink the concoction once or twice a day. It can be also mixed with cooked khichdi. This herbal ghee can be also used for Tarpana treatment.

4. What is Mahatriphaladi Ghrit?

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit or gritham is a fruit based ghee, mixed with water and milk. It is made with triphala and known to be good for the gut and the eyes.

5. How much Triphala can I take daily?

Adults can take 6-12 grams of the ghee per day, while kids can take 2-5 grams of the supplement. However, it is always advisable to consult an Ayurvedic physician before having this supplement.

6. What is the best time to take Triphala?

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit can be taken once in the morning and once in the evening. The ghee should be taken after meals or with meal.

7. How long does Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit take to work?

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit can nourish your eyes in just 1 to 2 weeks’ time. However, to get complete relief from the eye disorders, it should be taken at least for 6 to 9 months.

8. What are the natural phytonutrients found inside Triphala Gritham?

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit contains bioactive compounds like phenols, anthocyanins, lignans, terpenes, curcuminoids and flavones.

9. What are the properties of Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit?

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit is a common ghee preparation known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial and neuroprotective properties.

10. What are the side effects of Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit?

Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit is a 100% organic food product. For this reason, it is not known to have any negative effects on the user.


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